Salary Schedules and Health and Welfare Benefits
Effective 2023 Salary Schedules
Most teachers are on the C-1 Schedule, 10 months paid over 11 months
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_1-1.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_2-2.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_3-3.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_5-5.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_4-4.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_8-8.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_9-9.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_6-6.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_7-7.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_10-10.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_11-11.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_12-12.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_14-end.pdf
ALL UTP SALARY SCHEDULE 10% 12.14.23-1_13-13.pdf
Summary of Benefits and of Coverage for Health and Welfare
1. Kaiser HMO
SBC_20231001_KP_2023 OV $10, $10 Rx, Vis(10-6-2023 3.pdf
2. Blue Shield PPO
SBC_20231001_BSC_2023 Blue Shield PPO 80_E20 Rx 5-20( 10-6-2023) 1.pdf
2. Blue Shield HMO
SBC_20231001_BSCH_2023 Blue Shield HMO HMO_10_0 Rx 5-20 (10-6-2023) 2.pdf